- 哈希陶瓷阀消解阀空气阀哈希cod陶瓷阀exv057
- 哈希陶瓷阀消解阀空气阀哈希cod陶瓷阀exv057
货号 仪器型号 测量参数 中文描述 英文描述 EXV057 CODmax plus sc COD 陶瓷阀 CERAMIC VALVE 2125815 Reagent COD COD试剂低量程3150mg/l COD DIGESTION VIAL COD4100 CODmax plus sc COD 捏阀 magnetic squeeze valve with cable YAA904 1950Plus在线TOC(总有机碳)分析仪 COD 液晶显示屏 DISPLAY FOR AMTAX COD8700 CODmax plus sc COD CODmax备件 CODmax part LZX182 UVASsc 在线有机物分析仪 Solitaxsc悬浮固体/浊度分析仪 COD UV 电机 Geared Motor for UVAS plus/Clear(1mm/2mm/5mm/50mm) and Turbidity Probe of tline/tsline/inline/hsline/highline TOSX CODmax plus sc COD 一年易损件 one year wearing spareparts EZZ071 CODmax plus sc COD 活塞 piston ERA005 CODmax COD 上连接管 ADAPTOR END TOP EXV054 CODmax plus sc COD 组合阀 valve block bottom EXV073 CODmax plus sc COD 硫酸阀 magn.valve type 6606,FFKMmembrane LZX858 UVASsc 在线有机物分析仪 COD UV plus探头测量窗口 measurement window for UVAS plus & NITRATAX plus Probe LPE_X CODmax plus sc COD 测量组件 measurement assyembly COD4600 CODmax plus sc COD 活塞泵组件 piston pump arranged LZX077 UVASsc 在线有机物分析仪 Solitaxsc悬浮固体/浊度分析仪 COD UV 电机 Geared Motor for UVAS plus/Clear(1mm/2mm/5mm/50mm) and Turbidity Probe of tline/tsline/inline/hsline/highline ZDA363 CODmax plus sc COD 温度传感器 Temperature sensor complete YAA981 UVASsc 在线有机物分析仪 COD UV plus探头闪光灯板1 Flash Light Card1 for UVAS plus Probe YAA906 PhosphaxSigma 总磷在线分析仪 CODmax plus sc COD 终端板 TERMINAL BOARD FOR TP AND INTER2哈希陶瓷阀消解阀空气阀哈希cod陶瓷阀exv057 YAA901 1950Plus在线TOC(总有机碳)分析仪 COD 主板 PROCESSOR CARD YAA857 1950Plus在线TOC(总有机碳)分析仪 COD RS485板 INTERFACE BOARD RS 485